03 5122 2147

Behaviour Solutions

Danny Blackford - Psychologist

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Mental Toughness

How can we help you?

Education. Intervention. Development. Solutions.

Sometimes all you need is a helping hand in...

~ Life, Health, School, Career ~

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

    Let me work closely with you to assess, diagnose and manage those living with ASD.

  • Mental Toughness

    Mental Toughness is learning to develop emotional and practical skills to increase confidence, self worth, productivity and overall well being. Everyone can benefit from Mental Toughness training!

  • Leadership and Training

    Want to create harmony and increase productivity in the workplace? Or do you simply want organise, tailored in-house program and support packaged training?

About me

"...integrating therapeutic intervention, that is both sensitive to the person and their carers..."

Danny Blackford - Psychologist

I am a registered Psychologist, Business Advisor, Executive Coach and author of Aspergerguys.

I work extensively with children and adults who experience learning difficulties, social functioning, and behavioural problems.

I have experience working in the corporate and education sector, and have visited educational facilities in the United Kingdom, delivering countless Mental Toughness training and workshops.

"Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated"

-Albert Einstein

Contact us

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Measure your Mental Toughness and more .....

Message Danny and his team to learn more about the Mental Toughness Program and to make an appointment.
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Behaviour Solutions

Danny Blackford, Psychologist. Phone (03) 5122 2147. Email dannyblackford@behavioursolutions.net.au